7 way Free weight loss tips for a safe weight loss

Safe weight loss is just what the name describes, i.e. safe. When we say safe in terms of weight loss we mean that the particular program or weight loss tips that you follow will not create any other serious health problems. Although it may sound weird, it should be noted that for many people certain weight loss programs are dangerous. This is true especially for people suffering from various disease and disorders such as diabetes, heart problems, high blood pressure etc. For these people weight loss can be dangerous and it is very important that they get the approval of their doctor before attempting to lose weight. Weight loss is less important than the good health of people and so they should only deal with weight loss matters when they do not face any other more important health problems. In this web site we do not promote any weight loss product or method. All the weight loss tips provided are based on healthy guidelines and they are perfectly safe to follow. In fact you should stay away from chemical diets, weight loss pills or other weight loss programs that suggest quick or rapid weight loss and stay tuned with healthy guidelines that can help you alter your lifestyle and gradually reach your ideal weight. In this post we will outline 10 free weight loss tips for a safe weight loss.
1. Decide how much weight you want to lose. This amount is not just the number of pounds that you would like to lose but it is the amount of pounds you should lose so that you become healthier and feel better for your self. This assumes that the number of pounds you want to lose are considered safe weight loss and will not cause any other problems to your health. Figure out this number and discuss it with your doctor or dietitian and agree on the final amount.
2. Once you know how much weight you want to lose break the whole process into stages. Always start slow and then make your plan more intensive and difficult. It is suggested that you always set the first stage to 2 pounds, the second stage to 3 pounds and the other stages into 5 pounds. For example let’s assume that you need to lose 15 pounds. Your weight loss plan should be as follows: 1st stage to lose 2 pounds in the first month, 3 pounds in the second month and then 5 pounds for the next two months and the remaining 5 pounds for another 2 months. This is a total of 6 months which is a perfectly safe period of lose 15 pounds. It is important not to stress yourself very much at the beginning because you may feel disappointed and quit. Also by setting small, manageable and easy to achieve weight loss goals you improve your self esteem and confidence and this makes the rest of the program easier to achieve. Healthy weight loss take time and you should give your self all the time it needs.
3. Now that everything is set up you essentially move on to the implementation stage. This is the stage where you will put the theory into practice and expect to see some good results. Remember that to achieve a safe weight loss you need to follow healthy rules that will not only help you to get rid of the extra weight but they will also assist you in changing your lifestyle for a healthier and better life. The most important rules for a safe and healthy weight loss are given below.
4. Do not forget to eat your fruits and vegetables. Vegetables are the healthiest food on the planet and have a lot to offer to our health and weight loss. First of all they are loaded with precious nutrients and vitamins that our body needs. Second they are full of fiber that reduces our appetite since our stomach remains satisfied for longer periods of time. Third, they are better than most food types in terms of calories so even if they do not help you lose weight at least they won’t help you gain weight. A word of caution is necessary here about the type of fruits and vegetables are better for you. It is true that some fruits contain a lot of sugars and this may not be good for some people but this is not the general rule but the exception. In any case you should consult your dietitian about the type and quantities of fruits suitable for a safe weight loss.
5. Eat a good breakfast early in the morning and a light dinner at least a couple of hours before you go to bed. Breakfast is important, and as you might have heard a lot of times, it is the most important meal of the day. Breakfast will wake up your body and give it the necessary fuel to start working properly. Many people believe that by skipping breakfast they will lose more weight faster. This is wrong and it is scientifically proven. A good breakfast is vital for a safe weight loss. Try cereals with low fat milk and 2 toasts of brown bread and you can stay without any other food or snack until launch time. As far a dinner is concerned you should avoid eating and going to bed. This is bad for your weight loss because you do not give enough time to your body to digest the food and carry out the calorie and fat burning process completely. Try eating a small salad with a low fat yogurt for dinner, together will a couple of glasses of fresh water.
6. Do not eat in a hurry. When you eat you should take your time to eat slower and chew your food well. This will help the digestion process and also will give you a better taste and enjoyment for the food.
7. Always consider your drinks as well. A lot of people when they are trying to lose weight they tend to neglect and forget to take into account what they drink during the day. Drinks are sometimes calorie killers and they can spoil your weight loss efforts without even understanding it. The only liquid that you are allowed, and in fact you should drink, is water. Water does not carry any calories and has a lot to offer to your normal body functionality. All other drinks should be taken with care. For certain you need to avoid sugar drinks (soft drinks), full fat daily drinks (milk, milkshakes etc), cream coffees (cappuccino, chino, frapouchino etc) and alcoholic cocktails. If you really need to take a drink or some other drink then you can adjust your calorie intake by eating fewer calories through food during that day. You should always try to keep a balance of how much calories you consume. If you eat more, drink less, if you drink more, eat less. Also, as far as fruit juices are concerned, it should be noted that it is better to eat the fruits than to drink their juice. This is simply because by eating the fruits you consume fewer calories than the fruit juice and you also spend some calories while eating than the amount of calories you spend when you drink a juice.
The above weight loss tips can give you a good idea of what you need to do for a safe weight loss. For certain the list above is not 100% complete. There many other tips that can help you lose weight in a safe way. Our web site is full of that information so have a look around to get more ideas on how to get started with your weight loss. Always have in your mind that you better do your weight loss slowly and efficiently rather than rushing to lose weight and failing at the end.

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