Way Weight loss tips and tricks

To lose weight you need to achieve a calorie deficit of 3500 calories. This means that when you burn 3500 more calories than those consumed your weight will decrease by one pound. Below you can find 10 weight loss tips and tricks that will help you achieve that as fast as possible.
Weight loss tips and tricks #1
Frozen pizza VS ready made pizza. Pizza is the most popular food to buy from a take away restaurant or buy as frozen from the supermarket. According to statistics a typical pizza (small size) from a take away restaurant contains about 700 calories while the same size of frozen pizza has about 600 calories. In an 8 piece pizza this gives you a saving of 400 calories.
Weight loss tips and tricks #2
By drinking water before and during your meals you can dramatically reduce the amount of calories consumed. Water has 0 calories so you should aim at drinking as much water as you can. If you drink one regular soft drink with your food this is equivalent to 130 calories, if you drink water you have an immediate saving of 130 calories per soft drink you avoid.
Weight loss tips and tricks #3
A 6 ounce steak is aprx 600 calories while tuna or salmon is aprx 300 calories. So, the more fish you eat per week the greater will be your calorie savings. Fish has also less fat (especially tuna) and it is very good for your overall health because of the other nutrients it contains.
Weight loss tips and tricks #4
Foods that are high in calories, fats and sugars are great temptations. If you find them in your house then it will be very difficult to resist in tasting them. Try and protect yourself from falling to their call and remove all food temptations from your fridge and kitchen and instead replace them with fresh fruits, low fat snacks and organic products. Full calorie foods besides adding to your weight they also add to the fat reservers. If you are especially interested on how to get rid of belly fat then make sure that you select only low fat foods that can also act as fat burners. You may also like to find out how to lose belly fat the healthy way.
Weight loss tips and tricks #5
Eat less but more often. Weight loss research and statistics show that people who eat small portions more often are more likely to lose weight. This is because their metabolism increases and their body reacts better and faster in digesting the consumed food.
Weight loss tips and tricks #6
We said many times that cooking your own food is healthier. This is true if you follow some simple rules. The first is to avoid fried food and prefer your food boiled or barbecued. Second to select very carefully the ingredients you use. Always read the food labels and use food that has both low calories and low fats.
Weight loss tips and tricks #7
Treat each food bite as you last one, chew it good and slowly. This way you will enjoy your food better and gain more pleassure from each bite. In terms of weight loss you will save enough calories because you will eat less.
Weight loss tips and tricks #8
Follow your physical clock. When you get the signal from your stomach that you are hungry do not ignore it. Instead provide your body with some food. A good way to ‘trick’ your stomach is to eat a fruit or some other low fat snack every time you feel hungry and it is not launch time. This way your stomach will be happy and at the same time you save a lot of calories from eating other types of food.
Weight loss tips and tricks #9
Never go shopping with an empty stomach. When shopping for food make sure that you have enough time to check each and every item that you buy. Read the food labels and decide if the particular item can help your weight loss efforts or not. If it is not according to your standards then do not buy it. There are plenty of alternatives that are healthy and calorie friendly. As a rule never go shopping on an empty stomach or when feeling hungry. This will make you buy a lot of items that you do not need. Better eat before going to the supermarket and while at the store try to stick to your pre-made shopping list.
Weight loss tips and tricks #10
Beware, drinks (besides water) also carry calories. Do not be very strick on the foods you eat and forget about drinks. If you are serious about your weight loss efforts then you should stick to water only (at least for the period until you lose a few pounds).

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