Tips to help you lose 30 pounds in 30 days

In our weight loss tips web site we mentioned many times that for a successful weight loss you should not take drastic measures unless these are based on solid and healthy guidelines. A successful weight loss is about changing your lifestyle and diet habits without the use of weight loss pills or strict diets that are excluding carbohydrates or adopting starving diets. Rapid weight loss is possible provided that you follow the proper tips. Your optimum weight loss goal is to lose the weight in such a weight so that you will never gain it back. The 5 most important tips of a healthy weight loss are:
1. As a first step you need to have the willingness to lose the weight. No weight loss program can give you good results if you are not willing to make the effort to lose the extra pounds.  To have the willingness required you need to have confidence and faith in your self that you can do it. If you believe in your self then the whole process will be easier.
2. Start following a balanced diet. This means you should not exclude any food types from your diet. Your meals should include carbohydrates, fibers and of course proteins. You need all three types for a well-balanced and healthy diet. Carbohydrates give you energy and proteins can help you burn fat. Fiber, found mostly in fruits and vegetables can help your body function better.
3. Water is vital for a fast weight loss. Our body is 80% water and is needed for the proper functioning of our body organs. If you do not provide at least 8 glasses of water per day to your body then do not expect to achieve fast weight loss results. Water is also a great way to keep your stomach full without taking extra calories.
4. Regular meals. The correct way to lose weight is not by skipping meals. Regular meals are needed so that you increase your metabolism. By not eating meals your body may enter a ‘protective mode’ thus making weight loss slower and harder.
5. Last but certainty not least, exercises. Exercise and movement in general can help you increase your metabolism, build more muscles which in turn will help you lose fat and weight faster. Choose an exercise that you like and enjoy doing it. Stick to a regular exercise program and help your body burn more calories.
While the above weight loss tips are simple to understand and straight forward many people take the wrong approach to weight loss. They either fall into the traps of strict weight loss programs or they are doing the wrong things. One of the weight loss programs that is based on these healthy guidelines is the one by Rocco Castelano, lose 30 lbs in thirty days. Rocco has great experience (20 years) teaching celebrities and fitness models on how to lose weight fast and healthy. His program is based on healthy guidelines and many people have tried it with success. In his web site Rocco shows several success stories of people who have managed to lose weight by adopting his program. Rocco explains in his 30 day program what you should do for a proper weight loss, and also explains why some people fail to lose weight. The most important reasons of why people fail to lose weight are:
>> Skipping meals believing that this will reduce your weight.
>> Getting a treadmill and exercising with out a plan
>> Following a low carb strict diet
>> Quitting because you never believe you can make it
By following Rocco’s lose 30 in 30 weight loss program you will learn:
>> The type of exercises you should do in order to get good results
>> Why advertised fitness and training programs fail
>> How to lose 5-8 lbs a week, all based on healthy guidelines
>> What type of foods you need to eat, when to eat and in what quantities
>> How to deal with your body’s fat reserve and how to get rid of it
>> Why many people fail to lose weight and what you can do about it
>> Why you will be able to lose weight fast
You can get Rocco’s weight loss program here. Note that this is not available offline but only through his web site.
Rocco’s weight loss system has been featured on the major news networks (MTV,CNN,ESPN,FOX), and includes an ebook (Lose 30 in Thirty Fitness program), exercise workouts with illustrations, sample meal plans, workout cards for every level (beginner, intermediate, advanced), grocery list so that you know what to buy from the supermarket and stay away from junk food, a food journal so that you can keep track of your meals and progress throughout the day and bonus material consisting of other useful ebooks and information about weight loss.
You can try Rocco’s program lose 30 in thirty and share your experience (either bad or good) in our comments section below. Our commitment is to provide accurate information about weight loss programs. We only review and present programs that are based on healthy guidelines and do not suggest the adoption of any weight loss pills or chemical diets.

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