Yoga Styles

I have scoffed off yoga for years, thinking, if I am going to be motivated enough to work out, I want to do something that is rigorous. I was then introduced to hot yoga. Man is it intense! Students are welcome to lay down in savasana (corpse pose) if a rest is needed, but there is no leaving the room, which I love because once the class starts, its go time. I accidentally went to a power yoga class, and after attending it a couple of times, I have to say it is my favorite.I love how the instructors are always encouraging each person to connect and push themselves.
Since I am fairly new to yoga I wanted to learn about all the different form of yoga. I soon realized there is no way for me to write about ALL forms of yoga, so I chose some that I am familiar with, and that are common in western society.
Hatha- Hatha is a general term but basically means the class is slow paced and good for beginners
Kripalu- Is like hatha in the idea that it is gentle and slow, but it also incorporates the physical and spiritual changes that come with the holistic balance of yoga practice. Kripalu style is also known for emphasizing that each person should move at his own pace.
Integral- Gentle like hatha and also incorporates the importance of breathing, meditation, and chanting.
Vinyasa- Is a general term in yoga as well it basically means “flow”. The importance of this practice is the breath moving with the body.
Ashtanga and Power- Ashtanga translates to “eight limbs yoga”. These types are fast paced and intense, constant movement is integral. Power is usually done in a warm room, and I have noticed great strengthening poses are always involved.
Bikram and Hot Yoga- Bikram, was named after the man who incorporated 26 specific poses and did them in a hot (95-110 degree) room. Hot Yoga has been around for a thousand years. They both use a vinyasa “flow” pace. The heat is used for detoxification and loosening up the muscles, it is physically very intense.
Moksha- A series of 40 poses done in a heated room from 96-107 degrees. Incorporates balance of exercise, breathing, relaxation, diet and thinking.
Jivamukti- Born from Ashtanga yoga but incorporates chanting, meditation, and spiritual teachings.
Forrest- Developed by a woman, the integral part of this form is releasing of emotions and healing. Healing, growth, and connecting to one’s spirit are part of Forrest yoga philosophy.
Anusara- Focuses on the intrinsic goodness in all beings. Poses are used to open up the heart, physically and mentally.
I am so grateful that I found yoga, and now I know it isn’t some happy-flower in the hair sing-a-long type exercise. Besides getting the start of what just might be a six pack, a nice little bulging muscle on my thighs and a back with actual definition, yoga has helped me with stress, sleeping problems, self acceptance, posture and so many other calming ways of going through life. It is so nice to go in, be completely focused on myself, and have all of the amazing benefits from yoga! So if you have never tried yoga, try it! Go in, be calm, and love the experience!

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